Working on Monster

Hello, This is the first formal Voran devlog (an entretaining youtube promotional material is on the works) 

This devlog is here to explain a few things on the project and let the few people that downloaded the game what Im working on if they ever bother to read this. 

Voran is a simple game consisting of 3 simple missions. An intro and an outro. Right now the logic for the missions is complete (checkpoints and conditions) however Im working on making levels atmospheric for immersion purposes, that means patting out time a bit, increasing distances and working on better audio. 

Im working on a procedural tentacle monster based on the free unity mimic test.  Im modifying the code a bit so it works in space.

The character controller and general space mechanics will eventually be released as a free asset template to use in your unity projects if anybody is interested. 

the tutorial mission is around three minutes in lenght, the second mission is estimated to be like 7 min and the ending mission should be around 6. Adding a minute intro and an outro that should be a very comfortable time for my first game.

I come from a country were even cheap games are heavy tolls on peoples wallets, most of my friends can only dream of affording a 500 dollar PC. Due to this I have decided to make my games as accesible as possible. In this case free.

There is also the matter of the menus and games UI. the game is supposed to be less than 30 minutes in lenght so Im not making a save system in this case. But I am waiting to buy a very attractive UI pack so Im going to hold out for the full release of the game. Right now I will only update the first mission. then the full game will come out. Enjoy.

Get Voran v0.5 (WIP)

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